2024 - 25
The Rose Window III
150 x 180 cm, acrylic on canvas
Three Rose Window paintings were made during the pandemic. A rose window lets the light in, but you cannot see what’s on the other side. The canvas can be thought of as an infinite, empty stage - and the elements placed within its boundaries thus become props. During the pandemic, this space was somehow suddenly transformed into something apocalyptical and alien, making the content almost operatic.
The Other II
34.5 x 26 cm, pencil on paper
To look for something ‘other’ - those things that are not quite known to us - feels easier to do with pencil on paper.
The Other is a series of six pencil-drawings exploring the impossibility of imagining with any accuracy a reflection of somebody, not as observed directly, but reconstructed by imagination or dreaming. Each drawing is a variation expanding on, or digressing from, the one before.
In all my works, I use references from historical archives as building blocks or props. I think of it as very similar to writing historical fiction, or even genuine history books, as nearly all the elements are referring to historical facts, but the final piece is pure theatre. But it is still a way for me to process, slowly as I paint, the historical reality of the world around me.
Reflections I & II
22 x 17.5 cm each, pencil on paper
The Kiss
200 x 160 cm, acrylic on canvas
Inception V
40 x 30 cm, acrylic on wood
“His work appeals to me because of its smart combination of archival photography and geometric elements – a kind of collage that is clearly very meant but its meaning is teasingly unclear. Each piece is good looking and clever.”
Jonathan Watkins,
Director Ikon Gallery (2021)
Inception II & III
15 x 20 cm, pencil on paper on reclaimed wood
The Rose Window II
150 x 180 cm, acrylic on canvas
Interventions X
(L) 2021
23 x 15 cm, acrylic on wood/aluminium panel
Interventions XI
(R) 2021
23 x 18 cm, acrylic on wood/aluminium panel
Baptism of Faun
150 x 120 cm, acrylic on canvas